The handing out the Federal Cross of Merit (Knight’s Cross)
State Secretary Barbara Kisseler is handing out the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon (Knight’s Cross) confered by the Federal President Horst Köhler to Werner Bab in the Senate hall of the Humboldt-University Berlin on May, 16th 2006
Printversion: Speech of the President of Humboldt-University Berlin | Laudation of the State Secretary| Speech of Werner Bab (pdf) | Speech of Christian Ender (pdf)
Videos: Speech of Christian Ender Musical Intermezzo Reception Speech of Professor Markschies, President of Humboldt-University Berlin Speech of Werner Bab Speech of the State Secretary Awarding of the Federal Cross
Fotos: Werner Bab and State Secretary Kisseler | Awarding of the Federal Cross | Werner Bab and the President of Humboldt University | Werner Bab with Ms. Strauss-Kaan| Werner Bab | Guests| Christian Ender | Werner Bab and Christian Ender
Bundesverdienstkreuz an Werner Bab – Rede Staatssekretärin Barbara Kisseler
Werner Bab im Tolerance Center, New Yórk am 18.1.2006
Interview “Spiegel TV” auf dem Sender XXP am 3.5.2005 mit Werner Bab und Christian Ender
Werner Bab im Jüdischen Museum am 4.4.2005
Werner Bab während der “Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften” in der Humboldt-Universität uz Berlin 2005